About Issy

I have been an enthusiastic practitioner for five years.

I was first drawn to attending classes at the end of university as way of dealing with anxiety and stress. I completely fell in love with the practice. It gave me a set of tools to use in daily life. My physical strength, mental clarity and emotional serenity improved enabling me to become much more present.

I completed a challenging but incredible teacher training course at Sangye Yoga School, which covered philosophy, anatomy and meditation as well as a strong physical practice.

I continue to attend sessions with senior teachers to further my knowledge and commitment so that I can help and inspire students on their yoga journey.

Yoga has wonderful health benefits and is a powerful therapeutic, healing tool to use in daily life. If you are new to yoga and are unsure of your physical health you can contact your doctor or contact me if there are any concerns you would like to discuss.

I look forward to seeing you on your mat
and hope you feel energised and uplifted after your yoga class.